
Coming Soon Events


1. Free checkups
2. Blood donation camps


1. Free books and stationaries
2. Free learning programs for development

Sports for development

1. Tournaments
2. Sports activities
3. Distribution of sports equipment’s

Events Done


Beat the Heat with a Refreshing Summer Treat: Join our Sharbat Distribution Event!

Join us for a refreshing summer treat! Ashwani Gaur Foundation is hosting a Sharbat distribution event to help beat the heat and keep you hydrated this summer.

Food and beverage distribution (Project Ann)

1. Distribution of food
2. Provide food to all for a basic level of survival.

Clothes Distribution Camp

To give an underprivileged person a pair of clothes is as good as dressing him with self-respect. With this objective we distribute clothes and garments to the poorest of the poor children, women and men of all ages across India.